Only 10% of those polled by the Gallup Organization rated ad people’s ethics as “very high” or “high,” just ahead of car salesmen, the perennial last-place finishers, who scored 9%. Ad professionals were slightly behind lawyers, at 18%.
Nurses topped the poll again, with 79% of the vote, followed by grade-school teachers (73%), and pharmacists and military officers (72% each).
Given that I’m off to a slow start this morning do to a wave of comment spam (on Burnin’ All Illusions), I wonder where spammers rank. I’m not in the mood for a rant, but blogware providers need to intervene on our behalf. I use Apple’s Mail program and it catches 95% of all unwanted solicitations. Why can’t pMachine, Moveable Type and Word Press provide the same levels of filtration? And what about domain name registrars and hosting providers? Do they not have a responsibility to intervene? According to BetterWhoIs, this “Texas Holdem” perp manages his domains at GoDaddy.
So here’s an idea for the other John Moore. If godaddy are hosting these people, I’d rather they spent $2.4m getting rid of them instead of doing a superbowl ad. And think of the incredible positive word of mouth they’d get from just about every blogger for doing so!
Now there’s a truly viral idea. Thanks, Johnnie.
No paid word-of-mouth necessary.
Sadly, I believe spammers fall in the “advertising practitioners” category. What is spam if not very annoying, very pervasive, very frequent, and very inexpensive direct mail?
I doubt direct marketers are eager to claim spam for their own, but they can’t exactly dance around it either.
It is clearly direct marketing of the most hideous variety, and it needs to be stopped.