from New York Times: After 18 years, the National Pork Board is taking “the other white meat” in another direction.
The organization, seeking to promote pork as a more contemporary choice at mealtime is tripling its advertising spending and playing down the theme it has used since 1987 of pork as “the other white meat.”
A multimedia campaign by the Richards Group in Dallas – hired last year to help increase pork consumption, particularly among urban women ages 25 to 49 – is instead declaring, “Don’t be blah.” The idea is to remind consumers that they have alternatives to the same old same old for dinner.
Steve Murphy, chief executive of the pork board, based in Des Moines, said the more aggressive strategy was adopted because research found what he called “barriers to demand growth” for pork.
Specifically, Mr. Murphy said, women in the target audience said they perceived pork as “grandma’s Sunday dinner” and believed it to be “more complicated to prepare than beef or poultry.”
To many people Pork just has a bad name. Not just kosher Jews and Rastafarians.
It’s pretty ironic though. In many ways pigs are the most like humans (they just don’t cop an attitude.)
I knew of a gentleman who had a heart valve transplant from guess what, a Pig.
I can’t finish this without mentioning a short story that affected me once as an adolescent; Pig by ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” author Roald Dahl:
Thanks for the Dahl lead. Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web is also one of the greatest pigs in literary history.
When it comes to eating pork, I can think of few things finer than Carolina-style pulled pork with slaw and hush puppies. Of course, you have to walk it off later, but I can accept that trade-off.