Two interesting stories about blogging & business pop up today. Read ’em back to back and then make up your mind.
In Ad Age: “What Blogs Cost American Business”
About 35 million workers — one in four people in the labor force — visit blogs and on average spend 3.5 hours, or 9%, of the work week engaged with them, according to Advertising Age’s analysis. Time spent in the office on non-work blogs this year will take up the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs. Forget lunch breaks — bloggers essentially take a daily 40-minute blog break.
In The New York Times: “Brand Blogs Capture The Attention of Some Businesses”
Some companies are starting to pay attention to blogs, using them as a kind of informal network of consumer opinion.
“In addition to viewing blogs as another media channel, it allows us to keep our pulse on the marketplace,” said Ken Ross, a vice president of Netflix, the movie rental company based in Los Gatos, Calif. One of the best-known blogs about Netflix,, was started last November by Mike Kaltschnee, who lives in Danbury, Conn.
Then get back to work.