Talent Zoo, the high-profile Atlanta-based headhunting firm, is starting to add more content to its web pages, aside from the job postings one might expect. They’re currently featuring an interesting article on women in advertising rising to power at long last by Deborah Geering. Here’s an excerpt:
“Women are just better at multi-tasking; that’s just the honest truth,” said Linda Kaplan Thaler, CEO of the Kaplan Thaler Group and co-author of Bang! Getting Your Message Heard in A Noisy World. “I think our brains are wired to deal with a lot of different demands at the same time.”
Then, there’s the infamous Danny G. and his “View From The Cheap Seats” column. His latest entry deals with the flood of pharmaceutical advertising consumers are increasingly faced with. Here’s an excerpt:
“I wonder if the ad industry is helping drug makers create false demand, and in this case, really messing with people