From Bloomberg:
Atkins Nutritionals Inc., founded by the late diet guru Dr. Robert Atkins, filed for bankruptcy protection in New York as consumer interest in low-carbohydrate foods faded.
What’s interesting here is that the Atkins Diet has been around since the 1970’s. But the company got huge amounts of press a couple of years ago, and rode a fad. Meanwhile, dieters looking for the latest thing got on board. They weren’t really believers in the science behind the brand, so the brand got diluted and suffered.
The more publicity Atkins got, the more it ultimately hurt them.
Is it better to remain a cult brand with loyal followers, or is it better to build a brand big and fast when the opportunity presents itself?
My advice is to go big and sell out at the top to an investment group. Leave them holding the bag, while I retire to Brando’s island.
Atkins files for bankruptcy protection
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Go big…just invest your money wisely so you’re not out of the streets when the bubble bursts.