Pod Guide points to two new advertainment efforts from major marketers. Both are delivered via the brand’s own media property.
I’ve noticed a few more big name advertisers are starting to distribute short form content via their web sites in iPod format. It’s the old “BMW Films” strategy of trying to convince people that ads are interesting by blurring the line between entertainment and advertising. Sprite offer a series of comedy videos entitled Marcus Hates His Job, while Bud Light brings us the psuedo-documentary about Ted Ferguson, Daredevil.
Surprisingly, neither offer an RSS feed of the movies. I say “surprisingly”, not because I expect ad agencies to be at the cutting edge of technology, but the notion of having a consumer choose to ‘subscribe“ to your content must be any brands ultimate dream.
I think brands are taking to podcasting, both audio and video formats, because it resembles (on its surface) radio and TV. Minus one big factor–the media buy.