Butler Shine’s Influx Insights features a write up on Paragraph, a new work space for writers. Their interest is centered around the idea of cultural hubs and how brands might benefit from the creation of such places.
In the case of Paragraph, it’s not a brand, but an entrepreneurial team of writers behind the launch of this for profit collaborative workspace. Memberships go for $132 a month. Less, if you pay in a six month block.
Lila Cecil and Joy Parisi are both writers who met at The New School’s graduate creative writing program. Tired of slogging it out in jobs they did not have their hearts in and desperate for a quiet place to write and a community of writers similar to the one they had found in graduate school, they decided to open their own writing center. A year and a half later, Paragraph was born.
I also really like the commons model. Queen St. Commons on Prince Edward Island is one such expression of this new but old ideal.
[UPDATE] See Khoi Vinh’s full write up on Paragraph. His girlfriend is Joy Parisi and he created the website.